Riff Relevant Interviews: THE WELL [Video]; Appearing at STONER DAZE

Article By: Pat ‘Riot’ Whitaker ‡ Edited By: Leanne Ridgeway

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Ian, Lisa, and Jason of The Well.   

We kicked around their opinions on the best festivals, cities, and fans, as well as influences both musical and otherwise. Ian spills forth his input to the writing process and where Lisa and Jason fit into that process.

This turns into a philosophical run that was both enlightening and entertaining. We discuss the upcoming album and some of the crazier fans they’ve encountered. They also offer advice for new bands.

Get to know Ian, Lisa, and Jason a little better individually and see how they gel together, even in conversation! The Well is also appearing at Stoner Daze Festival on March 15-16th

The Well:
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